Monday, September 22, 2008

Busy couple weeks

By now most of you are aware that mom made the monthly pilgrimage to Utah and is spending the week in St. George prior to my arrival this Friday. We had a fairly busy week in that mom drove down with me to Grandma’s house on Sunday. Drove back home in the van on Monday. Drove back down with me on Wednesday after the hospital board mtg. and stayed until I picked her up for date night (Soup Planation) and a stay at the temple apartments. Saturday morning we attended the Stake day at the temple and off to Missy’s shower and then finally back home. Kevin Grotts sealed the house while we were gone and it really looks pretty good with the new roof, new floors and new coat. All this and Mom left for St. George on Sunday. Whew!

By the way, I was re-elected to the hospital board with-out any one running against me,…… again. Quite the honor considering the community voted two years ago to support three additional M.D.’s on the board, thus making me the only non physician on the board. I threatened to not run this time but a few of the old timers told me that I was the only independent vote on the board and they wanted me to run again, if not, they would run me out of town on a rail…. Perhaps I should have taken them up on their offer.

Well this week is Jon, Marshae, & Josh’s Birthday. Last week Shannon and David had theirs…. And in two weeks Tyler has his 9th birthday.

Well I had best sign off for now… my next political letter will be separate.



1 comment:

Rach n Adam said...

Thanks for letting Annie come up. We enjoy having her here and it's nice to be able to visit! We look forward to seeing you this weekend! Enjoy the rest of your week.